Meet Dr. Safiyya Kamalodeen ND
Dr. Safiyya Kamalodeen ND
Naturopathic Doctor with a Special Focus in Fertility Health, Pregnancy and Postpartum.
Naturopathic Doula
Medical Doctor MB BCh BAO (Ireland and Trinidad)
Hello there!
My journey is a strange one but I am so happy to end up here with you.
I graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and practiced medicine in Trinidad and Tobago.
I was always fascinated by Obstetrics and Gynecology as a specialty and my favourite time in the hospital was on the labour ward helping bring babies into the world and seeing pregnant patients for their prenatal visits.
Pregnancy is an exciting and vulnerable time for us women as our entire body shifts and alters to accommodate a growing fetus.
This is just one of the many sacrifices a mother makes for her unborn child.
Infertility is on the rise and there are countless couples trying to have a family who just can’t.
If you’re one of them, I want to help you get the life that you want.
And first we need to take control of your health.
The human body cannot support a growing fetus if it’s not ready to support a growing fetus.
I’m here to help you do that.
I became a naturopathic doctor so that I could educate my patients about their body so that they can get pregnant naturally.
I became a naturopathic doctor so that I can spend more time with my patients and get to the root of their issues to help them better.
From PCOS to endometriosis, fibroids to autoimmune diseases, there are many reasons that make it harder to get pregnant.
And we will work together to overcome that and get you the family that you want.
It doesn’t stop at pregnancy either!
Postpartum is a challenging transition into motherhood and having a strong support system and healthy coping mechanisms can get you to the other side.
And I will help you along every step of the way.
Book a Free 15 minute consultation to see how I can help you!