“Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

Why Naturopathy?
“Treat the Whole Person”
Naturopathic medicine focuses on the entire person, not just the patient’s physical complaint by taking a holistic approach to history and examination and assessing the mental, physical and emotional aspects of the patient. This is known as “mind body medicine”.
“Treat the Root Cause” - not just the Symptoms
In conventional medicine, there is limited time with the patient, the focus is mainly symptom relief than figuring out the root cause of all the symptoms. Only by identifying and treating the root cause, can the body heal naturally and completely.
The Healing Power of Nature
By treating patients holistically with lifestyle changes, botanical medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and Acupuncture, Nutritional diets and supplements, Physical medicine, Hydrotherapy and Homeopathy, we support the healing power of nature instead of trying to suppress it.
Prevention is better than Cure
The best way to treat a disease is to never get it in the first place! Naturopathic medicine relies on you to commit to making the lifestyle changes you need for your health to flourish. While using our other modalities like herbs, supplements, acupuncture, massage, etc to jumpstart the healing process, sustainable results only occur when you implement changes to your diet, physical activity level, stress management and sleep.