Eid Mubarak 2020

Eid Mubarak from my family to yours!

While this Eid is definitely different, use this day to spend time with your loved ones even if it is virtually due to the current world situation!

Spending time with loved ones is a legit recommendation in naturopathic medicine. It might sound strange, basic or obvious but in today’s society the majority of people live alone - especially young single people and the elderly.

In a world where living alone is encouraged as being “independent” and “strong”, we must remember that human beings are designed to be social and thrive on relationships with each other.

The famous WHO definition of Health is defined as “Health is a state of physical, mental and *social* well-being in which disease and infirmity are absent.”

Social well-being is included since it is one of the vital aspects of optimal health. The dramatic increase in mental health issues in the last twenty years, is not surprising due to an equally proportional rise in people living alone and praising “independent” culture and our grandparents living alone or in long term homes.

While it is important to remove toxic people from your lives, make the effort to cultivate your close relationships with your cherished family and friends and in this “new normal” in 2020, find creative ways to connect even though we cannot physically see each other.

Hope you all enjoy this wonderful holiday!☺️🎉😭☪️🕌🤲🏼🥳






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