Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Fertility
EDCs interfere with our body’s normal functioning by mimicking hormones in our body and/or blocking the normal function of our hormones. This often has an effect on all systems in our body, but especially our fertility and reproductive health.
Found in everyday products, they can affect ovulation and implantation significantly!
Bisphenol A (BPA) (plastic bottles, cans, pipes)
reduces estrogen production and decreases ovulation
affects egg survival, maturation, and implantation
does not seem to affect the rate of pregnancy and births following IVF.
Triclosan (TCL) (soaps🧼, toothpaste)
reduces the numbers of eggs harvested for IVF
high levels in the body can lower fertility
Parabens (food and pharmaceutical preservatives)
interferes strongly with estrogen function and reduce the numbers of eggs.
impact on IVF success inconclusive
Phthalates (plastics and cosmetics)
slow the maturation of hormones and reduce estrogen production.
linked to lower numbers of eggs
Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) (flame retardant for clothes, furniture, electrical wires)
affect hormone activities and cause irregular menstrual cycles and delayed ovulation.
may affect fertilization and reduce fertility during IVF.
Organochlorines e.g. DDT for pest control
Banned in most Western countries but are long-lived and can accumulate in the human body.
interfere with estrogen and Anti Mullerian hormone
As you can see, these common EDCs can impact hormone function and the success of infertility treatments such as IVF.
Watch out for the next post on how to avoid them and safe alternatives!
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