Foods to Avoid if you have Endometriosis

What should I avoid?

🥩Red meat - Was found to be associated with undesirable levels of inflammatory and glucose metabolic biomarkers.

☕️Coffee - a 2001 cross-sectional study found that coffee and caffeine intake can increase early follicular phase E2 estrogen levels however a systematic review in 2014 concluded that there is no association between coffee consumption and endometriosis risk however it should be consumed in minimal amounts.

🍷Alcohol - found to be associated with higher E2 estrogen levels but a 2015 cohort study found that there was no statistically significant association between alcohol intake and menstrual cycles function however it was recommended to consume at lower amounts due to long term impact on health.

🥛Dairy - the Nurses Health II Study found that there was a lower risk of endometriosis with greater vitamin D levels and higher intake of dairy foods rich in calcium and vitamin D. Common dairy sources are well-known to be pro-inflammatory as it is rich in omega 6 fatty acids as cows are fed grain and corn so look for Full Fat Dairy sources that are grass fed, organic and free range.

🍕Saturated or Trans fats - the Nurses Health Study II found that lower intakes of Omega-3 fatty acids and higher intakes of trans fats were associated with increased risk of diagnosis with endometriosis.

🍞Gluten - it was found that a gluten-free diet reduced painful symptoms of endometriosis after 12 months.

🍪Sugar - lower carbohydrate high fibre diets decreased inflammation in the body and was shown by decreased inflammatory markers.

🍲Soy - several older studies have shown a correlation between phytoestrogen/soy intake and severity of endometriosis although a more recent 2017 study concluded that there was no evidence of this correlation so this is still inconclusive.









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