“I am learning to trust the journey even when I do not understand it.”
Fertility Health | Pregnancy | Postpartum
Learn more about how to increase your chances of
getting pregnant with naturopathic medicine.

How Do I Know When I’m Ovulating?
Ladies it’s time to get in touch with your bodies!
Whether you’re trying to get pregnant, thinking about it or just a regular gal working her way to the top - you should always track your cycle!
An app is a fine way to track but using the following methods increase the accuracy since they just use a estimated calculation based on your last period.
How Adaptogens can help your Fatigue
Do you feel burnt out, exhausted, fatigued or so run down because you have no energy left?
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of modern lifestyle today - but is especially prominent in PCOS and Endometriosis.
One way to overcome this issue is using Adaptogens!
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Do you have heavy prolonged periods? Or have you always had “low iron” for as long as you can remember?
Iron deficiency anemia is a common condition that affects many women but it doesn’t have to!
Usually this is due to iron lacking in the diet - be it due to a vegan/vegetarian diet or one low in dark green leafies 🥬 and red/organ meat like beef 🥩 or liver.
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Fertility
EDCs interfere with our body’s normal functioning by mimicking hormones in our body and/or blocking the normal function of our hormones. This often has an effect on all systems in our body, but especially our fertility and reproductive health.
Found in everyday products, they can affect ovulation and implantation significantly!
Foods to Avoid if you have Endometriosis
Red meat, coffee, alcohol, dairy, saturated and trans fats, gluten, sugar, soy
It’s Menstrual Hygiene Day!
So I thought I’d give you some Period Facts!
The beginning of your cycle or day 1 is the 1st day of your period.
Cycles are counted from day 1 to the next day 1.
This is usually 28 days but can go up to 35 days.
Beyond 35 days this is abnormal and needs to be investigated! Causes can be PCOS or many other issues which can be managed with naturopathic medicine.
Summer is Coming!
Is it a coincidence that there’s less demand for naturopathic care during the summer?
Mental health issues, back pain, digestive issues, etc are all improved with the increased exercise and fresh air that we get in the warmer months.

How Your Thyroid Could Be Affecting Your Fertility
Thyroid disorders are the second most common hormonal disorder affecting women of reproductive age!
You can have hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, with the latter being much more common.
Research has shown a higher rate of miscarriage and reduced fertility in women with underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) where all thyroid function values are abnormal.

Insulin Resistance and PCOS
If you’re struggling to lose weight and you have PCOS the reason is insulin resistance!
Insulin resistance means that your body is no longer able to respond to insulin as it should. Insulin is great when it can actually do its job - when food is consumed and the blood glucose level rises, insulin increases to push glucose into the cells for storage and to make proteins and fats.

What can I do about my Painful Periods?
Painful periods….we’ve all been there!
Sometimes it’s so painful you might pop some Advil, Tylenol, Panadol or Midol - anything that works!
But some of these painkillers can really affect your stomach lining if taken too often!
While painful periods are common, they shouldn’t happen! When it’s that bad to affect your daily activities, it’s BAD.
Benefits of Soursop (aka Custard Apple, Graviola or Annona muricata)
Soursop has many different names from Custard Apple, Graviola or Annona muricata. It is native to tropical and subtropical parts of the world.
In Trinidad, we enjoy the fruit blended with milk, sugar and nutmeg like Barbadine or Seamoss.
Known worldwide for its high antioxidant status, it’s been shown to be effective against cancer cells.

What’s the difference between Subfertility and Infertility?
Did you know that 1 in 8 couples are affected by infertility?
Infertility is defined as failure to conceive after 12 months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse under 35 years old, or after six months if over 35 years old.
Subfertility is less commonly discussed but affects almost 1 in 4 couples!
Subfertility is a period of reduced ability to get pregnant. It usually includes women under age 30 who aren't able to get pregnant after six cycles of unprotected sex.

How NDs Treat PMS
“I get cramps before my period, I get cramps during my period and I get cramps when I’m ovulating - Help!”
Hands up if you experience this!
Did you know that there are over 200 known PMS symptoms?!
Although common, PMS symptoms including cramps are not normal!