What can I do about my Painful Periods?

Painful periods….we’ve all been there!

Sometimes it’s so painful you might pop some Advil, Tylenol, Panadol or Midol - anything that works! 

But some of these painkillers can really affect your stomach lining if taken too often!

While painful periods are common, they shouldn’t happen! When it’s that bad to affect your daily activities, it’s BAD.

While naturopathic care aims to get to the ROOT CAUSE of your symptoms because painful periods could be due to severe

PMS and hormonal imbalance, fibroids, endometriosis and many more conditions, there’s still naturopathic ways of reducing the pain right now instead of waiting 3 months for lifestyle changes to work!

Some effective measures are:

  • Ginger - at an appropriate dosage, ginger as a tea or capsule was found to be equally effective as Ibuprofen (Advil) and Mefenamic acid!

  • Magnesium - effective pain relief for menstrual cramps, headaches, back pain, etc. Was found to be more effective than placebo for pain relief and reduced need for medication

  • Vitamin B1 Thiamine - reduced and/or completely resolved dysmenorrhea in a RCT when taken for 90 days

  • Vitamin D - pain severity and intensity was decreased and reduced pain scores in several studies

  • Fish oil EPA/DHA - a systematic review showed reduced pain scores in dysmenorrhea

Some of these work well because you may have specific nutrient deficiencies that need to be corrected and once corrected, your pain improves.

Others work through an anti inflammatory method since pain is due to increased prostaglandins when there is inflammation.

Whatever the cause, Naturopathic care will help you deal with your painful periods so contact me or the RSNC to book an appointment






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