Insulin Resistance and PCOS
If you’re struggling to lose weight and you have PCOS the reason is insulin resistance!
Insulin resistance means that your body is no longer able to respond to insulin as it should. Insulin is great when it can actually do its job - when food is consumed and the blood glucose level rises, insulin increases to push glucose into the cells for storage and to make proteins and fats.
If the body becomes resistant to insulin, then high blood glucose levels aren’t regulated and causes harmful effects on all organs in the body, especially nerves and arteries.
In young women with PCOS, high insulin levels can cause the ovaries to make more androgen hormones such as testosterone. This can cause increased body hair, acne, and irregular or few periods. Having insulin resistance can also increase your risk of developing diabetes.
Naturopathic care of PCOS includes targeting the insulin resistance with:
Low carb/low GI diet
Exercise especially aerobic which reduces insulin requirements
Endocrine modulating herbs thats reduce testosterone levels and balance estrogen and progesterone
Hypoglycemic herbs that regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin resistance
If you have PCOS and would like to get to a healthy weight, regular periods and prevent long term consequences, make an appointment at the RSNC today!
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