Iron Deficiency Anemia

Do you have heavy prolonged periods? Or have you always had “low iron” for as long as you can remember?

Iron deficiency anemia is a common condition that affects many women but it doesn’t have to!

Usually this is due to iron lacking in the diet - be it due to a vegan/vegetarian diet or one low in dark green leafies and red/organ meat like beef 🥩 or liver.

Another common cause is due to heavy periods which can be for a variety of reasons - the most common one being Fibroids. Many women may have fibroids and not even realize it.

Signs and symptoms of iron deficiency include lightheadedness, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain, and hair thinning, weak brittle nails, etc.

Please note that there are many other serious causes of iron deficiency anemia so if you are concerned, you should see a medical professional for investigation. However I have highlighted the common causes for menstruating women.

Visit the RSNC clinic at @myccnm to see an ND who will work with you to improve your nutrition, some lifestyle hacks for getting more iron into your system and absorbing it better, in addition to supplementation!

Iron supplements have come a long way and there are so many gentler better tasting formulations that are easy on the stomach and don’t cause constipation.

If you’re vegan/vegetarian, non-heme sources of iron are for you which include whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and leafy greens. Even if you’re not vegan you should be consuming more of these foods anyway!

Always remember to take Vitamin C with Iron to increase its absorption!

Feel free to contact me for more information and if you want to visit us at the RSNC!






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