How NDs Treat PMS
“I get cramps before my period, I get cramps during my period and I get cramps when I’m ovulating - Help!”
Hands up if you experience this!
Did you know that there are over 200 known PMS symptoms?!
Although common, PMS symptoms including cramps are not normal!
There are actually five types of PMS:
PMS-A - anxiety
PMS-C - cravings
PMS-D - depression
PMS-H - hyper-hydration (water retention)
PMS-P - pain
Now what can you do about it?
Apart from general diet and lifestyle modifications, your ND may prescribe the following:
🌱Vitamin D and Calcium - women with higher dietary vitamin D and calcium intake had lower PMS symptom scores
🌱Vitamin B6 - first line treatment by RCOG guidelines. Improves overall and psychological PMS symptoms. Long term use of the OCP can deplete B6 levels in the body as well
🌱Magnesium - reduced PMS symptoms when taken everyday of the cycle. Found in leafy green veggies and whole grains
🌱Soy isoflavones - reduced total and physical symptoms especially headaches, breast tenderness, cramps and swelling.
🌱Myo-inositol - improvement in mood symptoms and overall symptoms
🌱Vitex (Chasteberry) - improves symptoms particularly breast tenderness
🌱Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) - reduced breast tenderness
🌱Gingko biloba - reduced psychological and physical symptoms esp headaches/migraines
🌱St. John’s Wort - benefited behavioural and physical symptoms
Acupuncture is especially effective as well so book with the RSNC today because you shouldn’t have to deal with PMS!
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