What’s the difference between Subfertility and Infertility?
Did you know that 1 in 8 couples are affected by infertility?
Infertility is defined as failure to conceive after 12 months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse under 35 years old, or after six months if over 35 years old.
Subfertility is less commonly discussed but affects almost 1 in 4 couples!
Subfertility is a period of reduced ability to get pregnant. It usually includes women under age 30 who aren't able to get pregnant after six cycles of unprotected sex.
Couples with subfertility can also take longer than the 12 months to conceive naturally whereas infertility usually requires external help from Assisted Reproductive Technology like IVF, IUI, ICSI, etc.
Subfertility is usually caused by the same male and/or female factors, like infertility.
Common causes of subfertility are:
🌿Thyroid disease - overactive or underactive
🌿Rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders
🌿Certain medications like SSRIs,Lithium, NSAIDs, etc.
🌿Ovulation factors - PCOS, ovarian insufficiency, Diminished ovarian reserve, Hypothalamic/ Pituitary amenorrhea
🌿Tubal factors like Endometriosis, PID, Scar tissues from previous surgery etc
🌿Uterus abnormalities and Fibroids
🌿Male factors like reduced sperm count or function etc
Naturopathic treatment for subfertility focuses on lifestyle changes and learning how to increase your chances of getting pregnant. If you’re also attending a fertility clinic, we work together to help achieve the best outcome. So make an appointment with the RSNC today! See my Contact page for booking information.
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