Summer is Coming!

Now that the weather’s warming up, get outside! Of course while maintaining social distancing protocols 😷 

Soak up the sun and some vitamin D ☀️ 

Get some fresh air 🏕⛰🏖

Do spring/summer cleaning

Start gardening👩🏽‍🌾

Go walking 🚶 and bike riding 🚲 

Whatever you do spend at least 30-60 minutes outside! 

Everyone tries to get out of their houses once the weather warms up after being cooped up all winter.

Is it a coincidence that there’s less demand for naturopathic care during the summer? 

Mental health issues, back pain, digestive issues, etc are all improved with the increased exercise and fresh air that we get in the warmer months.

With the availability of more fresh fruits that ripe more properly with the sun, we’re getting more antioxidants than the comfort food of winter. 

How are you going to make the most of summer and your health?!






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