What to Eat if You Have Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a condition driven by inflammation and hormonal imbalance.
A generally anti inflammatory diet is one of the best ways to help to reduce symptoms and increase quality of life, along with other recommendations your ND may make.
Based on the evidence available, the following foods are what you should be eating MORE of!
🍎FIBRE e.g. fruits and vegetables and whole grains resulted in decreased estradiol, progesterone, LH and FSH hormone concentrations with a high fibre diet.
🍓ANTIOXIDANTS - fruits and vegetables with higher ORAC values like açai berry, blueberry, goji berry - women with endometriosis had lower consumptions of antioxidants and those suffering from chronic pelvic pain had decreased pain scores and inflammatory markers with antioxidant intake.
🥑OMEGA 3s - promote the less inflammatory pathway creating 3 series prostaglandins, 5 series leukotrienes and 3 series thromboxanes which reduce inflammation.
🍒Foods rich in MELATONIN e.g. oats, cherries, almonds - these showed analgesic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It was shown to improve sleep quality, reduce the need for an analgesia and reduced BNDF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) levels independently of its effect on pain.
🍵GREEN TEA - EGCG (Epigallocatechin-3-gallate) is a major component of green tea and was shown to modulate inflammatory markers and induced regression of endometriotic lesions.
If you or a friend have been suffering from endo, book an appointment with the RSNC today to see how naturopathic medicine can help you! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions.
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